Prince’s estate placed in a temporary trust due to no will. Legal analysis with Attorney David Schwartz on Fox News.
Author: admin
VIDEO: Medical Industry Call for Action At Place Where Joan Rivers Met Her Fate…
New York Assemblyman David Weprin, Bill Drake of the Esophageal Cancer Awareness Association and David Schwartz of Citizens for Safe Endoscopy gather at the medical office where comedian Joan Rivers died as a result of an unsafe procedure.
David Schwartz Advocacy for Trump on the Ocean
David Schwartz and Donald Trump advocate for Trump on the Ocean project. Event and video produced by Gotham Government Relations and Communications
David Schwartz on Fox News: Charter School Support Group Sues NYC Schools For Failing To Address School Violence
Charter school support group sues New York City schools for failing to address school violence. Legal analysis with New York criminal defense attorney David Schwartz on Fox News Channel.