Video: David Schwartz on New York's Insurance Fraud Problem

A big part of our (New York’s) $48.5 billion in debt could be lessened if we combated auto insurance fraud– these cases cost hundreds of millions and are tying up the court system. David Schwartz, attorney who represents the group “New Yorkers Stand Against Insurance Fraud” is proposing some reforms joined WPIX’s Laurie Dhue.

New York is in a no-fault crisis – a crisis brought on by criminals who are gaming the auto insurance system. Auto accident fraud is costing New York consumers hundreds of millions of dollars.According to the Insurance Information Institute, no-fault fraud and abuse cost New Yorkers about a quarter-of-a-billion dollars in 2010. In addition to costing New Yorkers hundreds of millions of dollars, it put all of us at risk.

Learn more at New Yorkers Stand Against Insurance Fraud.

Video: David Schwartz on Warrantless Search Supreme Court Ruling

The Supreme Court on Monday gave police more leeway to break into homes or apartments in search of illegal drugs when they suspect the evidence might be destroyed. Gotham’s David Schwartz talks to “Fox and Friends” about the legal ramifications.

Video – David Schwartz on New York's New First Lady, Sandra Lee

Sandra Lee the star of the food network’s “semi-home-made” is now our semi-first lady. She says she plans to use her platform to highlight a pet issue helping to make food more affordable for New Yorkers. Only issue? She’s Governor Cuomo’s girlfriend not his wife. So should she take on a traditional first lady role?

David Schwartz from Gotham Government Relations vigorously defends Sandra Lee to take on all ceremonial duties.