Video – David Schwartz on New York's New First Lady, Sandra Lee

Sandra Lee the star of the food network’s “semi-home-made” is now our semi-first lady. She says she plans to use her platform to highlight a pet issue helping to make food more affordable for New Yorkers. Only issue? She’s Governor Cuomo’s girlfriend not his wife. So should she take on a traditional first lady role?

David Schwartz from Gotham Government Relations vigorously defends Sandra Lee to take on all ceremonial duties.


David Schwartz Talks to Co-Founder of WTC Tribute Center

As Americans, we each remember where we were on 9/11, on that terrifying day and specific moment when, with panic in our hearts, we learned that we were under attack. Lee Ielpi’s son Jonathan was among the very many brave heros of the New York Fire Department and others who lost their lives on 9/11.

David Schwartz speaks with Lee Ielpi, the Co-Founder of the WTC Tribute Center in Manhattan about that chilling day in our history and the frustrations and struggles involved with developing an appropriate way to remember and honor our heroes.

You can visit the Tribute Center and/or learn more about it by visiting  www.TRIBUTEWTC.ORG.

Part 1

How do we honor the heros of 9/11?

David Schwartz speaks with Lee Ielpi, the Co-Founder of the WTC Tribute Center in Manhattan about the World Trade Center and the day we all remember.

Part 2

David Schwartz continues to interview Lee Ielpi, Co-Founder of the Tribute Center, on moving past 9/11 and his vision for tomorrow.

Part 3

Lee Ielpi speaks about educating future generations about 9/11 — learning from our past and promoting peace in the future.

Part 4