Attorney David Schwartz appears on Fox News Channel to discuss the botched execution of Joseph Woods in Arizona. Is a firing squad better way to execute?
Tag: fox news
RAW STORY: Schwartz and Carlson Tangle over Truck Driver in Tracy Morgan Crash
[dropcap]I[/dropcap]ndy-news blog The Raw Story picks up David Schwartz and Tucker Carlson debate on Fox News Channel. Should the truck driver be charged in the crash that caused one death and put comedian Tracy Morgan int he hospital?
David Schwartz:
“Absolutely, 5 to 10 years in jail for death by auto, which is an act of recklessness,” Schwartz explained. “So, if he did fall asleep at the wheel, that’s one of the ways that you could commit reckless driving in New Jersey. And certainly the fact that a death occurred, 5 to 10 years in jail.”
Tucker Carlson:
“I’m not trying to take anything away from the tragedy of this,” Carlson replied. “But 10 years in jail for falling asleep? It strikes me as very different from taking drugs, drinking. Has that ever happened? Has anybody ever actually gone to jail for falling asleep?”
David Schwartz replies:
“Tucker, if you’re driving a 16-wheel truck, a truck for Walmart, and you’re on the roads for the state of New Jersey, and you’re drowsy and you fall asleep, it’s certainly an act of recklessness,” the attorney insisted. “Not an intentional murder, but it’s an act of recklessness. And that’s where this reckless homicide comes in.”
David Schwartz on Fox News – Twitter Free Speech Debate
[dropcap]M[/dropcap]ayor orders raid on Twitter troublemaker riles free speech debate. Legal Analysis with NY Criminal Defense Attorney David Schwartz, Partner at Gotham Government Relations on Fox & Friends
Gonzaga students with guns placed on school probation
[dropcap]G[/dropcap]onzaga students with guns placed on school probation. Legal Analysis with NY Criminal Defense Attorney David Schwartz on Fox & Friends 11/11/13.